Welcome to Basecamp-1

As you may know, a basecamp is a campsite that has been set up as a temporary
"home base" that is used for a starting point on a journey or expedition.

Basecamp-1 exists as your home base
while on your journey to 1 of 4 destinations:


Ron Burkett's Ron's World Owen Parker's  OP's HomePage
ron.jpg (21043 bytes) http://www.basecamp-1.com/ronsworld owen.jpg (23314 bytes)
A good web page on camping in general. Photographs of past trips are included in Ron's journal entries and a
photographic section. Especially informative on preparing to climb Mt. Rainier in
Washington and camping in Alabama.
An experimental web page with photographs from airshows, camping trips and miscellaneous other stuff.
Also included are links to camping related sites and friends sites.
Skip Pennington's   Where Ya Been Page Kyle Richardson's Virtual Campsite


kyle.jpg (15432 bytes) /kylecountry
The only "Professional" web-master in this group, Skip has a dandy site. Included are photographs of the adventures and travels of Skip. As a bonus, Skip maintains a site on Mt. LeConte in the Smoky Mountains. The web rookie of the bunch, Kyle is still learning and deciding on  a theme for his page. For now, he has some shots from his 40th Birthday and pictures from our Christmas Party.